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2018-03-25 07:56 青报教育在线





第一节  (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



DCU·LS is the English Language Training Center of Dublin CityUniversity. Our courses are designed for adults (18+). We offer a lot ofEnglish language courses throughout the year and special programmes in summer.Our school proudly has the same high standards which have won Dublin CityUniversity a national and international reputation for the excellence of itscourses. Recognized by Department of Education as an English language schoolfor the teaching of English as a foreign language, DCU·LS offers you a friendlyatmosphere in which you can improve your English skills. Because we are auniversity based company, we also offer our students ways to universityfacilities.

For more information please contact(联系):

DCU Language Services, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland

Tel: +353 1 705552

Fax: +353 1 70511

Email: Is.elt @ dcu.ie

Web: www.dculs.dcu.ie

11.Who can take part in the courses offered by DCU·LS ?

A.Teenagers.             B.People over 18.                 C. Collegestudents.             D. Students with adults.

12.What can we learn about DCU·LS according to the passage?

A.They offer special programmes throughout the year.

B. Wecan contact it by writing letters as well as sending emails and fax.

C.The school is famous for its excellent courses both at home and abroad.

D.DCU·LS lies in Dublin City University, Dublin 9, England.

13.What kind of writing is this passage?

A. Atraveling guide             B. A notice                   C. An official report        D. An advertisement


When Carly Williams was reporting on a farm in North Carolina, US, shelaughed when a zebra (斑马) pushed its nose into her car.

Carly, 15, is a student at NationFord High, South Carolina and hopes to become a television anchor (主播).She is quickly making herself noticed.

Not long ago, she got a call fromTeen Kids News, which is a weekly show that airs across the US. Carly had senta few broadcasts she had done for her school news program to the show’s makersin New York. A producer contacted Carly and asked if she would like to work forthe company.     

“All I could say was, yes, yes,yes,” Carly said. “I didn’t even hesitate .”

Carly said she became interested inbroadcast journalism when she was in the sixth grade. One day, she heard thatforest fires were burning nearby. After sports class, she went out into theforest and reported on the fires. She fell in love with broadcasting, and fromthen on, she tried to do it as much as she could.

But despite doing what she loves,Carly has to face both good and bad comments from audience (听众)members.

“Everyone has a different opinionand I’ve always tried to tell Carly that you can’t listen to it,” said LoriWilliams, a former CNN producer. “If it’s what you love to do, it will outshineeverything else.”

Carly’s advice to other youngbroadcasters is to look for support from friends and family. “With everynegative comment, there are five positive comments, and that’s how I thinkabout it,” she said.

The first program Carly anchoredwas about an artist’s pumpkin patch. In the program, she asked teenagers whatthey thought of the artist’s work.

“I was a little nervous. I’m goingthrough my lines thinking, ‘No pressure’,” Carly said.

She has also reported at a Coldplayconcert and met Kathie Lee Gifford, an American TV host. Gifford told Carly tocontinue doing what she loves because “it will lead to big things”.

“Getting advice from her,especially, was absolutely awesome (棒极了),” Carly said.

14. What made Teen Kids News notice Carly?

A. Her visit to the show’s producer.        B.Her report on a farm in North Carolina.

C. Her phone call to the show’s makers.         D.The broadcasts she had sent to the show’s makers.

15. When Carly received the work invitation from Teen Kids News, she ______.

A. didn’t know what to say                          B.refused to work for them

C. agreed to work for them immediately  D.wanted to think carefully before making her decision

16. According to the text, what caused Carly to develop an interest injournalism?

A. Her parents’ encouragement.                     B.A television anchor she loved.

C. Her first experience of reporting.        D.The influence of some great broadcasters.

17. What did Carly suggest other young broadcasters do to deal with commentsfrom audiences?

A. Ignore any comments from them.

B. Ask for help from senior broadcasters.

C. Be willing to listen to bad comments.

D. Fight negative comments with positive ones from family and friends.


A recent survey,while indicating a generally active attitude to science, also suggests awidespread worry that it may be “running out of control”. This idea isdangerous.

Science can be a force for evil as well asfor good. Its applications can be channeled either way, depending on ourdecisions. The decisions we make, personally or collectively, will determinethe outcomes of science. But here is a real danger. Science is advancing so fastand is so strongly influenced by businesses that we are likely to believewhatever decisions we come to will make little difference. And, rather thanfighting for the best possible policies, we may step back and do nothing.

Some people go even further. They say that despite the moral and legalobjections, whatever is scientifically possible will be done--somewhere,sometime. They believe that science will get out of control in the end. Thisbelief is dangerous too, because it causes a sense of hopelessness anddiscourages them from making efforts to build a safer world.

In our interconnected world, the lack of agreement in and of the worldof science can lead to the failure to control the use of science. Without acommon understanding, the challenges of “controlling” science in this centurywill be really tough. Take human cloning for example. Despite the generalagreement among scientists on its possible huge impact on traditional moralvalues, some countries still go ahead with the research and development of itsrelated techniques. The outcomes are hard to predict.

Therefore, discussions on how science isapplied should be extended far beyond scientific societies. Only through theunited efforts of people with hope, can we be fully safe against the misuse ofscience and can science best serve mankind in the future.

18. What can we conclude from therecent survey?

A. People hold mixed opinionsabout science.              B. People think highly of science.

C. Science is getting dangerouslyout of control.          D. Science is used for both good and bad purposes.

19. According to the passage, whatwill happen if we hold that science is getting beyond control?

A. The development of science willhopelessly slow down. 

B. Businesses will have evengreater influence on science.

C. People will work more activelyto put science under control.

D. The public will lose faith inbringing about a bright future.

20. The discussion should reachbeyond scientific societies because_______.

A. scientists have failed to predictthe outcomes  

B. people need to work together toprevent the bad use of science

C. united efforts are necessary todevelop related techniques in science 

D. the ties between differentareas need strengthening

21. What is the main idea of thepassage?

A. Science and its applicationsbring us many dangers. 

B. Mankind can largely takecontrol of science with their efforts.

C. The development of sciencemostly lies in people’s attitudes. 

D. The future of science will beinfluenced by the dangerous ideas.


OnSept 4, Gulangyu Island, off the coast of Xiamen, Fujian, was certificated aworld heritage site by UNESCO. China now has 52 such sites, spread across theentire country.

Millions of Chinese people visitGulangyu Island every year to enjoy its natural delights and the mixture offoreign and Chinese architecture .

The recognition of this beautiful,culturally remarkable island is an honor. But the fact that it is a heritagesite means much more than that.

The word “heritage” refers to theinvaluable things we inherit (继承) from the past. And UNESCO’s world heritage sites, ofwhich there are over 1,000, make a rich tapestry (织锦) of memories,both natural and man-made. Like a time machine, they take us back to ourancestors and even earlier, enabling us to wonder at both the natural world andhuman history.

This applies to all the sitesaround the world certificated by UNESCO, but in different ways. Places likeMoscow’s Red Square stand for a particular moment in the civilization ofhumankind; they’re valuable cultural resources that tell a story of the pastbetter than a history book could.

But heritage can also be a reminderof a lifestyle of the past. Just look at Vienna’s coffee culture: UNESCO gavethe award, not to particular cafes in Austria, but to the culture of thoseplaces; the award was for what happened there, not for the venues (地点) themselves.

At the end of the 19th century andthe beginning of the last century, the cafes were packed with artists andintellectuals (知识分子). The popularity of these places reached its height duringthe last period of the great Austro-Hungarian Empire, which ended in 1918.

By the 1950s, Austria’s coffeehouses began to go into decline, just after television arrived and people choseto stay at home for entertainment rather than go out.

Just like Gulangyu Island andViennese cafes, every world heritage item is worthy of care and protection.They remind us of our rich and various cultural pasts, and the things that madeus who we are.

22. The article is mainly written to tell us _______.

A. the true meaning of heritage                     B.the history of a few world heritage listings

C. the importance of protecting our heritage           D.the similarities among world heritage sites

23. What makes Gulangyu Island appealing to visitors?

A. Its heavy cultural atmosphere.                          B.Its mild climate and rich history.

C. Its natural wonders and tasty food.                   D.Its landscape and unique architecture.

24. How does the author support his arguments?

A. By giving examples.                                      B.By making comparisons.

C. By making assumptions.                                D.By analyzing cause and effect.

25. Which of the following would the author probably agree with?

A. The majority of world heritage listings are natural wonders.

B. Traditional techniques don’t belong to heritage.

C. Heritage offers us a window into human history.  

D. Heritage stays far away from us since it’s all about the past.

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)


Tips help to improve jeans

____26_____ However, when you try to puton your favorite old pair of jeans, you may discover that they have eithershrunk (缩水) or gotten bigger in the wash.

Luckily, there are plenty of simpleways to bring your jeans back to life. The Daily Mail newspaper has puttogether some useful tips for you. _____27_____

If your jeans are too big, the moststraight-forward way of shrinking jeans that have become too baggy is washingthem in hot water. ____28______Remember not to use fabric (面料) softener forthe best result. Straight after a hot wash. The best way to get your jeanssuper tight again is to put them in a tumble dryer (滚筒式烘干机) on a hotsetting.

What if you cannot squeeze (挤) into yourfavorite jeans? A simple trick will work wonders in seconds. _____29_____ Thenstretch (抻开) them out by placing your feet on the ends of them andpulling the other end with your hands.

____30_____For example, practice some yogamoves, stretches or simple lunges (大跨步) to stretch the jeans out.    

A. Let’s take alook.

B. Whentemperatures start to drop, many people wear jeans to improve their fall look.

C. Simply washthe pair of jeans on the hottest setting.

D. You can alsoput your jeans on when you do exercises.

E. Lay the jeansout on the floor and spray (喷洒) them with warm water.

F. Jeans aresomething that people wear when they do sports.

G. This is themost straight-forward way.


第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I alwaysrecall my dad as well as my mom whenever I see or hear of the onions. Althoughall between my dad and my mom has passed with the tide of time, the memorystill   31   inmy mind. In my memory, my parents are a favorable loving and caring couple. Theylived in  32  with each other from the day of theirmarriage to the existence of me in the family.

33  , thosehappy days didn’t last long. When I was ten, my mom suddenly  34   in a faint when washing up in the kitchen. Iwas so  35  at that time that my mind went blankwithout any response but to cry. My dad ran to her and yelled her name but shewas still unconscious,    36   hesent her to the nearest hospital as fast as he could. After an all-round check,the doctor said with  37   tomy dad that she had got diagnosed with brain cancer in the late period. Thatevening he didn’t say anything.

My mom   38   and would never come back to me anymore. Imanaged to live by myself but the flow of sorrow and   39  toher never stopped. My dad has to    40   arole of a breadwinner as well as a household wife. He behaved just as usual,but I found that he developed a(n)   41  of cutting onions, which was reallystrange. Every time I saw him cutting onions, I discovered that several dropsof   42   flowed over his flush cheek.

“Why are you   43  ?”

“No, it’s because of the stimulant(刺激物) from the onions”

“I have learned from a science book that ifyou cut onions in the water, you will not cry.” I said with satisfaction.

“Oh, really? Thank you, my little love.” wasmy dad’s   44  . But next time, when he cut onions inthe basin full of water, his eyes still   45   with tears. “Why?” I said to myself with toomuch   46  .

Now, I growup, and my father  47   does so as he did before. What a white andfancy but moving   48   myfather had made in those years. The   49   mymom’s death brings to my whole family is so deeply rooted in his heart.

Now, hestill believes that I have been taken in by his white lie. Mom, you will neverbe lonely in the heaven as there is a middle-aged man devoting what remains ofhis life to  5033you and weep not once for you.

31. A.lays        B. sinks                 C. flashes                 D.disappears

32. A. harmony          B. quarrel                 C.trouble                 D. return

33. A. However          B. Therefore               C.Besides                D. Otherwise

34. A. hurt              B. drank                 C.broke                  D. fell

35. A. moved            B. shocked              C. embarrassed             D.annoyed

36. A. but              B. so            C.or                     D. for

37. A. pride             B. fear                    C. sympathy              D.courage

38. A. recovered          B. cured                  C. operated                D.died

39. A. fight       B. pardon                C.miss             D. puzzle

40. A. fetch             B. carry                   C. bring                  D.play

41. A. habit             B. theory                  C. experience              D.tradition

42. A. waters            B. bloods                  C. tears                   D.sweats

43. A. laughing          B. crying                  C. shouting               D.cutting

44. A. question          B. action                  C. expression              D.response

45. A. wet              B. hurt                   C. cool                   D.light

46. A. hesitation       B. confusion              C. imagination             D.intention

47. A. also            B. once                   C. ever                   D.still

48. A. promise        B. apology                C. lie                    D.excuse

49 A. sorrow           B. glory                   C. fortune                 D. reputation

50. A. marry         B. memorize         C.amuse                 D. trust

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


In much of Asia,especially the so-called “rice bowl” cultures of China, Japan, Korea, ___51___Vietnam,food is usually eaten with chopsticks.

Chopsticksare usually two long, thin pieces of wood or bamboo. They can also be made ofplastic, animal bone or metal. Sometimes chopsticks are quite artistic. Trulyelegant chopsticks might ___52___(make) of gold and silver with Chinesecharacters. Skilled workers also combine various hardwoods and metal ___53___(create)specialdesigns.

The Chinese have used chopsticks for five thousandyears. People probably cooked their food in large pots,___54___(use)twigs(树枝)to removeit. Over time,___55___the population grew, people began cutting food into small pieces so it would cook morequickly. Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which___56___(gradual)turnedinto chopsticks.

Some people think that the great Chinese scholarConfucius,___57___lived from roughly 551 to 479 B.C., influenced the ___58___(develop)of chopsticks. Confucius believed knives would remind people of killings and___59___(be)too violent for use at the table.

Chopsticks are not used everywhere in Asia. In India, forexample, most people traditionally eat ___60___ their hands.

第三节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Sitting and studying all day can be bored. But here are afun idea for classrooms – standing desks. Unlike seated desks, because standingdesks have no stools (凳子), so students get the chance to stand and move less. Thedesk has wheels too, so it moves easy. Students can also set to differentheights. According to a study from the Texas A&M Ergonomics Center,standing workers are more focused and healthy. Kids burn more calories by usestanding desks too. Some schools in the US had already put standing desks touse. Many students from City High School in Iowa said they liked standingdesks. And the primary school in California has already become an all-standingschool.